Day 11 - Getting to a Stable Point

Hey all!

As I mentioned on the previous entry, I think I'm at a pretty stable point regarding the overall game. At least, I don't think I don't want to add anything anymore. There's a few things that I would love to add, but I'm stopping myself from doing so for now.

So, I've began working on the more boring implementations and optimizations that are not focused on the gameplay. Today those things were:

  • Fixing bugs that popped up while adding more recent bits of code
  • Save files. I'll likely go forward with a standard json structure. It's gonna be a single player game, so I want to give the player full control.

We're not in a rush, so I can afford to work on these things until I fell like they're in an optimal state (or at least a state where they won't be a hinderance in the future).

The current plan is to focus on those things, then, once everything is done, focus on making the project as artist/designer friendly as possible. That will include making tools and making sure that non-programmers can just come in and build levels by dragging and dropping things and clicking a few buttons.

I'm thinking that might take me a couple of months, but once that is all in place, we can focus on the fun part of adding art, sounds, and just design levels as we please.

I'm still gonna keep documenting day-by-day progress here, but I reckon it won't be as exciting as it the gameplay updates, so I'm gonna start doing weekly round-ups as well!

Still, thank you for sticking around. See you next time!


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