Day 12 - Improving the Save System


So I can officially save/load data (woohoo!), but I did allow myself to get carried away by custom inspectors. 

*Incoming nerdy Unity talk*

Y'know, I rarely get to use Odin because my day-to-day clients usually find it overcomplicated, so I thought this would be my opportunity to explore it properly, and it's so fun! There's a certain joy in putting everything in a neat little box, where you can change between elements using tabs, instead of having everything laid out vertically.

And who would've known that adding a simple separator after a Header would make such a difference! To my eyes, at least.

Anyway, I'm using this to properly organize my Scriptable Objects which are going to hold the player information while in-game. Once the player saves the game, all this information will get dumped into a .json file!

So I spent some time coding that whole logic and implementing some debug buttons to make sure everything is working properly. Here's how it ended up looking:

Over the next few days, I'll give it a proper in-game UI and make sure everything gets setup correctly.

See you then!


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