Days 15 to 21 - I am so happy with this combat!

Oh wow, okay, a month goes by fast!

I was swamped with my regular work so I thought I'd take  a *small* break from Scraptail. And then, oops, before I knew it a month had gone by!

Anyway, I really wanted to have something tangible for the next devlog I put out, so I suddenly got a burst of motivation to finally improve the combat system to something proper. So that's what I spent my past week doing, and boy oh boy, I am so happy with it! I think it finally feels good to play. And I have revamped my combat system to easily allow me to make new combos if I wish, so it's been tons of fun to just play around with some animations I found on the asset store! Combine that with particles, screen effects and sounds, and this is the final result:

Isn't that so cool?? It feels great to play! I really want to get the tail abilities into the mix as soon as I can, but for now it is not a priority (no matter how excited I am about it), so I will hold off on that for now.

Obviously, right now, the main strategy is to Dodge -> Stun -> Execute, which I like but I feel like it can be a little too repetitive so I'm thinking of putting a cooldown on the Execute mechanic!

I've also been experimenting a lot with character customization and loadouts, but it is extremely basic right now, so I'll show that off once I have something more interesting going on there!

That is all for now, but let me know what you think! :)



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It’s great to see how far your game has already come, you’ve definitely improved the combat by a lot since the last devlog, it has much more impact in every hit and seems much more polished as well.

Your problem with the execute mechanic reminds me of the 1. Shadow of Mordor (Lord of the Ring) game, because they had a similar combat though without heavy and light and only one attack, but for that they had blocking.But anyway, what I wanna say is in that game you could execute an enemy that was thrown to the ground, however it took quite long and other enemy’s could disrupt you while it which balanced it out, and the game also had a combo meter, and with every attack it goes up by 1, but when your hit it would go to 0 again. When you reached a combo meter of 8, you could instantly execute 1 Enemy nearby without being disrupted. This worked however, because you cough against many enemies at a time most often, but that game was also a heavy stealth based and combat one, so your game just kinda reminded me of that. 

So what I wanted to say basically is that your game is absolutely fantastic, and that they are multiple ways for the execute to work without putting a cool down in it. My apologies for all this text.

Thank you so much for the kind words!

Shadow of Mordor was actually the main inspiration for the execute system, so I'm glad it's shining through :) I still want to revisit this system at some point, but before I wanna see how testers react to it.

Thank you again :)