Day 10 - Parkour is Starting to Feel Great!


Last time, my current parkour system was starting to take shape, but I mentioned that I didn't really like how it was structured under the hood.

Well, I've changed that today, and now I have a lot more control over how these structures work (especially with pipes and climbable surfaces in general). I'm using splines to determine positions and it just made everything a lot easier! I still want it to feel a bit faster, but I'm gonna leave it as is for now until I can get some other people to test it, as I might be getting blinded by developer bias. Here's a video of it, so let me know what you guys think:

On another note! I also briefly mentioned that I couldn't quite get the whole Chain Targeting to be working properly. Well, that is also somewhat fixed now. I'm using a bit of a cheat to make it work for now, but hey, a win is a win! Here's how it looks:

So, all in all, lots of good progress today!

That is all for today, see you next time!


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